Knee pain overuse injuries treatment in Delhi.

Physiotherapy for knee Overuse injuries in Delhi-knee pain treatment in Delhi.
Overuse injuries refer to specific injuries, which are sustained from repetitive action (e.g. long distance jogging) as opposed to acute injuries, which occur in an instant.
Repeated movements or awkward postures result in small injuries; when the injuries happen again and again, the body cannot always keep up with the healing process. Repeated movements cause wear and tear on the muscles, tendons, bones, and nerves of the body. This damage leads to pain, inflammation and loss of function.

knee pain treatment in Delhi.
In sports the knee is involved in a wider variety and larger number of injuries than any other area of the body. Both acute and overuse injuries are common. Together they account for about 15% of all sports injuries. In clinical practice, knee problems are even more ubiquitous, accounting for nearly 50% of all sports injury related patient visits. It is therefore apparent that an understanding of the functional anatomy of the structures which comprise the knee joint, as well of those that extrinsically affect or are affected by the function of the knee joint, is critical for any practitioner who is involved in the management of lower extremity overuse injuries.
Overuse injuries are difficult to diagnose because the pains caused by repetitive microtrauma often go unreported or are overlooked by the athlete during the initial progression of the injury. Many athletes ignore minor aches and pains because they are subtle and minimally affect function in the initial stages. Teaching athletes to recognize and report any small aches or pains is the first step in reversing and preventing the development of an injury. Particularly in young athletes, an undiagnosed injury often leads to a more severe injury down the road.poor mechanics is still the number one cause for overuse injuries. Improper technique can put unsafe torque and pressure on tendons, bones and joints. Done repeatedly, improper technique will lead to a variety of overuse injuries that will only get worse until the form is corrected or a severe injury is sustained.

Athletes in all different sports are susceptible to overuse injuries in the knee, primarily due to repetitive movements such as jumping, cutting, and sudden starts and stops. The factors that seem to make females more likely to injure their Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACLs) are not fully understood. Current research suggests that specific differences in movement patterns may be one of the culprits, but additional studies are needed. Common overuse injuries to the knee include patellar tendonosis and overuse damage to the tendon tissue.

Shin splints treatment in Delhi.
Shin splints result from inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tibia. This is caused by a number of factors such as a rapid increase in training, poor flexibility, or repetitive contact (jumping or running) on hard surfaces. In the early stages, athletes will notice mild tenderness around their shins, especially when the foot is bent downwards. If not addressed, athletes will further damage the area, creating discomfort eventually to a point where movement is greatly hindered. The treatment for this condition is a combination of rest, ice, and massage as well as proper flexibility/strength training.