Knee Pain Chondromalacia patella physiotherapy in Delhi- knee cap pain in Delhi

Knee patella pain physiotherapy in Delhi
Chondromalacia patella is when there is softening and damage to the cartilage on the back of the patella (kneecap). This leads to front knee pain, swelling and clicking/grinding noises when moving the knee.
It tends to affect young, healthy and often sporty people. It most commonly affects adolescents and young adults, and is more common in women.
knee patellar pain treatment in delhi.

The patella is lined with the thickest cartilage in the whole body which:
  • ensures that the patella glides smoothly over the knee bones
  • works as a shock absorber

Causes of Chondromalacia Patella
Chondromalacia patella occurs when the kneecap rubs against the bones rather than gliding over them. This causes small tears in the cartilage which get inflamed and cause pain.
1) Muscle imbalance: a combination of muscle tightness in the quads muscles and other structures e.g. the retinaculum on the outside of the knee and muscle weakness on the inside of the knee (VMO) affects the position of the kneecap in the patella groove.

2) Poor alignment of the kneecap: where the patella doesn’t sit in the right position, but tends to be either too high or too low. Some people are born this way, but it doesn’t become apparent until adolescence

3) Overuse of the leg: Anything whereby lots of force goes through the knee (e.g. running, jumping, twisting)
4) Flat feet: this changes the way the forces are distributed through the knee and makes the cartilage more prone to damage

Knee pain treatment in Delhi
Chondromalacia Patellae Symptoms
  • The most common symptoms of Chondromalacia Patella are:
  • Front Knee Pain: tends to be achy rather than sharp
  •  Pain On Stairs: tends to worse going downstairs rather than upstairs
  •  Pain After Prolonged Rest: when you first get up after sitting down for a while
  • A grating/grinding sensation: when moving the leg (crepitus)
  •   Minor Swelling: usually around the patella
  • Tenderness: with any pressure through the kneecap

Knee Physiotherapy treatment in Delhi
Treatment Options
To treat chondromalacia patellae it is vital to discover what is causing the problem in the first place, so your doctor should refer you to a physiotherapist who will look more closely at your leg muscles.  Treatment may include:
 Exercises: Kneecap exercises and stretches can really help with chondromalacia as well as general strengthening exercises. They all help to combat any muscle imbalance and improve how the kneecap moves. I have never known anyone with chondromalacia patella who has not had muscle imbalance

Knee straps can help reduce the pain associated with Chondromalacia Patella
  Knee Brace Straps: Wearing a strap directly under the kneecap helps take pressure off the joint, dramatically reducing pain. They are simple to use and very effective. Visit the knee strap section to find the best strap for you

3PRICE: Protect, Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate. This helps reduce pain and swelling and can speed up recovery. Visit the PRICE section to find out how to use it safely and effectively
Medication can help reduce the pain and swelling associated with chondromalacia patella

 Ice: Using ice regularly and before and after activity can help reduce swelling and pai
 Taping: Can help to take the pressure off the kneecap. This is particularly useful for when you are playing sports

 Modifying your Activity: Limit running and instead try swimming or cycling. If you want to run, ensure you are wearing good shoes with cushioned shoes, and stay off hard surfaces

Shoe Insoles: Insoles known as orthotics can help to correct flat feet and reduce the force through the kneecap.

 Knee Pads: Gel Pads are an excellent way to reduce pain and irritation when you do have to kneel

Surgery: This is only considered if nothing else works and the pain is really affecting you. It is done arthroscopically, where they make 2-3 small holes around the knee and insert a camera. They will then cut any tight ligaments to allow the patella to sit in the right place in the groove and/or shave off any damaged bits of cartilage.