Front knee Pain physiotherapy in Delhi- Knee pain treatment in Delhi

Front knee pain treatment in Delhi.
Front knee pain, aka anterior knee pain, is extremely common. In fact, the front of the knee is the most common place to experience pain. It may be a general ache around the front of the knee or a specific sharp pain that you suffer from.

Physiotherapy for front knee pain in delhi

Common Causes of Front Knee Pain 
Runners Knee 
 Problem with how the kneecap moves. This is the most common cause of front knee pain
Symptoms: General ache and patella pain, grinding, mild swelling
Aggravating Activities: Repeated activities, stairs, prolonged inactivity
Onset: Builds up gradually over time. No specific injury
Treatment: Exercises, brace, orthotics, occasionally surgery.

 Chondromalacia Patella 
 Damage to the cartilage on the back of the kneecap
Symptoms: Achy pain in front of knee, swelling, clicking/grinding
Aggravating Activities: Getting up from sitting, sports, pressure through the kneecap, pain going down stairs
Onset- Gradual onset. Most common in young, healthy people. More common in women.
Treatment: Exercises, knee straps, orthotics, gel pads, occasionally surgery.

Housemaids Knee
Inflammation of the prepatellar bursa (fluid filled sac) at the front of the knee
Symptoms: Front knee pain, swelling (like a squashy orange) and redness
Aggravating Activities: Kneeling, bending the leg, walking
Onset: Usually gradual onset in people who spend a lot of time kneeling e.g. carpet layers, plumbers, housewives. Occasionally develops after a blow to the front of the knee
Treatment: PRICE, stretches, gel pads, injections, occasionally surgery.

Osgood Schlatters 
Osgood Schlatters is a common cause of front knee pain.
Irritation of the bone just below the kneecap. It is the most common cause of front knee pain in teenagers
Symptoms: Front knee pain just below the kneecap, bony lump, tender to touch
Aggravating Activities: Sports especially kicking, jumping and running
Onset: Most common in boys aged 9-16. Often follows a growth spurt
Treatment: PRICE, knee straps, exercises, plaster cast, gel pads.

Patellar Tendonitis (Jumpers Knee)
Damage to the patellar tendon just below the kneecap Symptoms: Front knee pain just below the patella, aching and stiffness after activity, thickening of the tendon
Aggravating Activities: Repetitive activities e.g. jumping and kicking
Onset: Gradual onset. Usually gets progressively worse
Treatment: Rest, ice, knee straps, exercises, surgery.

Cartilage/Meniscus Tear
 Tear in the cartilage lining the joint
Symptoms: Pain, swelling, locking, instability, difficulty straightening the knee,
Aggravating Activities: Walking, running, stairs especially going up, deep knee flexion
Onset: Can occur suddenly with a force through or sudden twisting of the knee, or gradually through wear and tear
Treatment: PRICE, exercises, brace, tubigrip, sometimes requires surgery. Can take a long time to heal - 

 Knee Sprain
 Overstretching or tearing one of the ligaments in the knee
Symptoms: General pain, swelling, bruising and occasional giving way and/or decreased movement
Aggravating Activities: Depends on the severity but likely to be any activity
Onset: Sudden twisting movements or a force through the knee
Treatment: PRICE, exercises, braces.

Arthritis commonly causes anterior knee pain
 Changes in the bone caused by wear and tear, known as osteoarthritis or inflammation, known as rheumatoid arthritis
Symptoms: Morning stiffness, pain, swelling, clicking/grinding, reduced leg movements
Aggravating Activities: Worse after prolonged rest, activity, cold weather
Onset: Symptoms gradually come on over time. Most common over the age of 50
Treatment: Exercises, brace, acupuncture, walking aids, injections, surgery.

Osteochondritis Dissecans
 Decreased blood supply to the bone causes fragments of bone and cartilage to detach
Symptoms: General achy pain, occasional sharp pain, locking, weakness, decreased leg movement, swelling, clunking
Aggravating Activities: Sports, twisting the knee, stairs
Onset: Occurs at any age but most prevalent 10-20year olds. Three times more common in men