Inside knee pain physiotherapy treatment in Delhi-knee pain treatment in Delhi.

Inner knee pain treatment in delhi- knee pain doctors in Delhi.
Medial knee pain is pain that occurs on the inner side of the knee and can be due to a number of problems.
It may come on gradually over time or may develop suddenly after a knee injury. There may be a general inner knee pain, movement may be restricted or there may be a sharp pain.

It is very common to get pain on the medial side of the knee, because muscle weakness and/or tightness  can subtly change the way the knee moves. This causes more force to go through the inner side of the joint, rather than distributing weight evenly through the whole joint, which results in damage to the inner side of the knee and therefore medial knee pain.

MCL Tear 
Medial knee pain is pain that is on the inner side of the knee
 Damage to some or all of the fibres of the medial collateral ligament on the inner side of the knee
Onset: Sudden onset due to a force through the outside of the leg e.g. tackle, or sudden twisting of the knee e.g. skiing
Symptoms: Inner knee pain, swelling, bruising, instability, stiffness
Aggravating Activities: Bending the leg, walking, stairs, sports
Features: There are three grades of MCL tear, depending on how severely you have damaged the ligament
Treatment Options: PRICE, knee brace, exercises

Medial Cartilage/Meniscus Tear pain treatment in Delhi.
A cartilage tear is a common cause of medial knee pain.
:A tear in the cartilage lining on the inner side of the knee joint, known as the meniscus
Onset: Can occur suddenly with a force through the knee, sudden twisting of the knee or gradually through wear and tear
Symptoms: Medial knee pain, swelling, locking, instability, difficulty straightening the leg
Aggravating Activities: Walking, running, squatting, stairs especially going up
Features: There are four types of meniscus tear depending on how the cartilage has torn
Treatment: PRICE, exercises, surgery

Arthritis treatment in Delhi
Osteoarthritis most commonly affects the medial side of the knee joint causing pain.
Wear and tear most commonly to the cartilage lining the medial side of the joint
Onset: Symptoms gradually come on over time. Most common over the age of 50.
Symptoms: Morning stiffness, inside knee pain, swelling, clicking/grinding, reduced leg movements
Aggravating Activities: Worse after prolonged rest or activity, cold weather
Features: There are three classification stages of osteoarthritis, mild, moderate and severe based on how badly the joint is affected.
Treatment: Depends on the severity but arthritis treatments include exercises, medication, heat/ice, acupuncture, injections and knee braces