Knee injury pain Physiotherapy Treatment in Delhi- Treatment for knee pain in Delhi

Knee Joint Injury  Pain Treatment in Delhi.
Knee joint pain treatment aims to reduce pain, instability, swelling and weakness. Some treatments work well in the initial stages after a knee injury whereas some are more appropriate for longer term conditions.
The knee is a complex pivotal hinge joint that connects the bones in the upper and lower leg, comprised of muscle, ligaments, tendons, and the meeting of four bones: the femur, tibia, fibula, and patella. It is the largest joint in the body.

The knee joint capsule allows the full knee to have flexion, or bending, motion due to the folds in the capsule. The joint capsule is made up of the patella, which is within the anterior capsule, as well as the tibia and the femur. The patella is also known as the kneecap. The capsule is held together with ligaments that help with the range of motion. The capsule has synovial fluid, or fluid found in the cavities of synovial joints, that will circulate around the patella, tibia, and femur. Its posterior aspect, or back part of the structure, is stronger and thicker. It makes the person, when standing, more stable and able to balance. The knee joint capsule provides static stabilization for the knee, which is unstable due to its bony configuration. The knee joint itself has two nearly flat surface bones. These surface bones lie on one another as a primary articulating surface. It is the capsule that provides the knee joint its movement.

To be effective, treatment should look to cure not just the symptoms of the problem but also what is causing it in the first place, otherwise the problem may return. For example, the symptoms you are suffering from may be pain and inflammation but the actual cause may be weakness or instability.

Knee pain treatment in Delhi.
Knee Joint Pain Treatments
The best knee joint pain treatment to start with if you have an injury is PRICE (Protect, Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate), previously known as RICE. This helps to protect against further injury, reduces pain and swelling and speeds up healing.
Strengthening exercises are one of the best knee treatment options.
2) Strengthening Exercises
Strengthening the leg muscles is one of the best all-round knee joint pain treatment options. 99.9% of the time, muscle weakness is a key cause of knee problems.
When there is muscle weakness, more force goes through the joint which can lead to long term problems or injuries.
Strengthening exercises improve how the knee functions by working on the strength and stability of the knee and will help virtually all causes of knee pain.
Knee pain treatment  in Delhi

3) Leg Stretches
Leg stretches can be a really useful knee joint pain treatment
Tight muscles is a common cause of knee pain as they can make subtle changes to how the forces go through different parts of the joint. By doing stretches as part of your knee joint pain treatment, you can reduce the tension on your joint.
Not sure if your muscles are tight?  In the leg stretches section you will find simple tests you can do to see if your muscles are indeed tight and would therefore benefit from stretches.  You can also find out how to stretch the different leg muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, calves and ITB, and how to get the maximum benefit for the minimum effort when stretching.

4) Medications
Medications are one of the most commonly used tools for knee joint pain treatment. Drugs such as Tylenol/paracetamol can help reduce pain, and NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), e.g. Advil/Ibuprofen can help reduce swelling. Always consult your doctor before taking any medications.

5) Ice & Heat
Ice helps reduce pain and inflammation, making it a popular natural knee pain solutions.
Ice plays a really important part in knee joint pain treatment in the inital stages after an injury or for long term problems.  It reduces the blood flow to the area so limits the internal bleeding which reduces the associated swelling and pain.
There are a number of different ways to apply ice, from specially designed ice bags to instant ice packs, visit the ice wrap section to find the best one for you. 

Heat is a great natural knee joint pain treatment for longer term knee problems such as arthritis rather than after initial injuries. Heat works in two ways. Firstly, it increases the blood flow to the area which helps bring in fresh blood, oxygen and nutrients to aid healing. Secondly, the heat reduces the pain sensations and helps the muscles to relax.

6) Knee Braces
Knee braces are a great knee joint pain treatment providing support and stability, particularly after injuries
Braces are a great way to provide support and protect the joint, reduce pain and inflammation, retain heat and promote healing. Using a brace can make sports and day-to-day activities much easier.
There are so many different styles of brace out there it can be hard to know what to go for.  In the brace section, we cover a whole range of braces, different styles, protection levels and the top five manufacturers.  

7) Injections
Injections can be a good knee pain solution as they reduce pain, inflammation and can improve joint lubrication
Injections can be a helpful knee joint pain treatment, usually for longer term problems such as cartilage tears and arthritis.
There are two main types of injection used. Corticosteroid injections contain a mix of steroid and local anaesthetic which helps to reduce pain and swelling. Synvisc injections increase joint lubrication and can be particularly useful for treating arthritis.  Find out more about how they work, including the risks and benefits of each in the knee injection section. 

8) Surgery
If other knee joint pain treatments have failed, knee surgery may be necessary
Often, these knee joint pain treatments above work brilliantly, but sometime the damage to the joint will require surgery. It may be minor surgery like an arthroscopy or a full blown joint replacement, but the outcome is usually extremely positive.