Knee Cartilage injury physiotherapy treatment in Delhi-knee pain treatment in Delhi.

Physiotherapy treatment for Cartilage Damage in Delhi.
Cartilage structures and functions can relatively easily be harmed, often resulting in damage. Cartilage is a tough, flexible connective tissue that is found in many areas of the body. This fine, rubbery tissue mainly functions as a cushion for bones at joints. People with cartilage damage commonly experience joint pain, stiffness and swelling.

Knee pain treatment in Delhi.
Cartilage has several functions:
  • Reduces friction and acts as a cushion between joints - cartilage reduces friction between bones by covering the surface of joints. If there were friction the joint would soon be damaged and destroyed. Cartilage also helps our weight-bearing functions when we run, bend, stretch or engage in any type of movement.
  • Holds bones together - the bones on our ribcage are held together thanks to cartilage.
  • Acts as a mould - some of our body parts are made either exclusively or almost exclusively from cartilage, for example, the external parts of our ears.
  • The formation of bones - when we are young children the ends of our long bones are made of cartilage, which eventually turn into bones.

Cartilage damage is a relatively common type of injury. The majority of cases involve the knee joint.
Symptoms of cartilage damage include:
  • swelling
  • joint pain
  • stiffness
  • a decreased range of movement in the affected joint.

Grading of cartilage damage - the International Cartilage Repair Society set up an arthroscopic grading system which ranks the extent of cartilage defects:
grade 0: (normal) healthy cartilage
grade 1: the cartilage has a soft spot or blisters
grade 2: minor tears visible in the cartilage
grade 3: lesions have deep crevices (more than 50% of cartilage layer)
grade 4: the cartilage tear exposes the underlying (subchronal) bone.

Cartilage covers the surface of joints, enabling bones to slide over one another while reducing friction and preventing damage. It helps to support your weight when you move, bend, stretch and run.
There are three main ways the articular cartilage can be damaged:
1. Sudden accidental injury – for example, a fall or a sports injury
2. osteoarthritis .
3.osteochondritis dissecans .

Patients responds favourably to Physiotherapy if the damage is not severe and the patient gets better with Physiotherapy Rehabilitation.